Have you ever wanted to have deeper understanding of what makes you, you?
How you ever wondered how it would feel to have a better sense of who you are meant to be?
What if you could begin to understand the greater purpose of your life and career?
Every person has what’s called a birth chart (or natal chart), which is essentially a snapshot of the sky in the location at the time of your birth. Your birth chart shows the planets, which are located within certain zodiac signs (for example: aries, cancer, or libra) as well as certain houses that reveal different themes of your life. These planetary positions reveal what astrologer Kathryn Hocking calls your “natal promise,” or the potential available within yourself if you choose to accept it.
Have no fear: there are limitless possibilities from this, and your power of free will and choice will always be yours. In other words, YOU (and only you) have the power to choose your own fate.
When I first discovered Astrology, I realized it’s so much more than reading a daily horoscope or knowing a few traits of your sun sign. It’s a blueprint to help you understand yourself (and others) and find out how you can work with your blueprint rather than against it. Life is meant to be fun and enjoyable, right?!
Your Personalized Chart Reading
Your reading will include:
- an introduction to your astrological blueprint and help you discover what is aligned with your soul’s purpose
- the placement of your Moon, Sun, Rising (Ascendant), Mercury, Mars, Venus, Chiron, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune as well as Pluto and North & South Nodes
- a detailed PDF report (typically ~45-50 pages) sent to you within 5 business days including your birth chart for reference
- a free “astrology 101” guide
- optional: placements you have in common with Formula One drivers