The Astrology of Nicholas Latifi

Team Name:
Grand Prix Entered:
World Championships
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Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Sun in Cancer

Effortlessly capable of picking up energies in a room, Cancers are highly intuitive and highly sensitive to their environments. Similar to their spirit animal (the crab), Cancers are protected by hard, external shells. You might find them cold, or even distant, but after time you will see their gentle nature and compassion. It will likely take some time to get to know them. Cancers care deeply about their families. But when they invest in someone in an emotional capacity, it’s important to monitor their nurturing behavior before it becomes controlling. Cancers are very loyal and can be a bit of a homebody. Sometimes they can be passive-aggressive, mainly as a means to avoid conflict directly. They don’t enjoy talking openly about what’s bothering them.

Moon in Cancer

He can’t stand feeling lonely and needs a lot of attention and affection from those he loves or he may become depressed. Prioritizes the family and the home. He can be ultra sensitive but can use his emotions as a gift to fuel creativity and formulate some powerful poetry and general writing.

Mercury in Gemini

Effortless, Charismatic, and Beloved. He is the honor student, usually the favorite child, despite all of the mischief that he might cause. Very popular among peers and authority figures alike. He works very hard, but gives the appearance of being able to do things effortlessly and flawlessly. Take his charisma — he makes it seem so easy, breezy, and you’d never guess he worries over how he is perceived when not delivering his best lines.

Mars in Virgo

He is goal-oriented and practical. He has a knack for handling a wide variety of tasks at once, and a tendency to take on perhaps too much at the same time. He is not particularly aggressive by nature. Although he can be a little hard-nosed and critical at times, he rarely resorts to pushing others around. Arouse his anger and he turns into a complaining, over-critical nag. It doesn’t take much to make him nervous. He is quite protective about his “system” for getting things done. Although rather humble in a general life sense, he can be quite particular about his methods–how he organizes and accomplishes his goals, mostly with work. He is a perfectionist who will deny it to anyone and everyone. He wants to be good at what he does. He has a shy and humble side.

Venus in Gemini

Expression is critical for his soul; he finds pleasure when pursuing his curiosities. There is often no distinction between friend and lover — he prefers the ambiguity.

Jupiter in Sagittarius

This is one of the luckiest placements to have! He is optimistic, inspirational, academic and spiritual. He has a  hunger to experience everything that life has to offer and will pursue every opportunity to learn more about people and the world. He tends to have luck shine upon him most often when he is open-minded and expressing his freedom, rather than being boxed into one plan for too long.

Uranus in Capricorn

He is ambitious and enterprising. Very serious minded, with a strong sense of responsibility. He can be erratic or eccentric with a strong stubborn streak. He can be restless or impulsive, and might act before thinking it through. He is good at balancing ambition, independence and his intellectual abilities. He is not afraid of challenges and is typically even tempered. Responsible and is capable of handling power with ease. Not afraid to change procedures in order to achieve goals.

Saturn in Pisces

He can feel uncomfortable with what seems to you to be excessive shows of feeling or vulnerability/weakness. He doesn’t feel comfortable feeling like he is an underdog. If someone extends anything that even mildly resembles pity, he is quick to shut it down. . He might feel somewhat annoyed by people who seem to play the victim, or on another level, are too “out there” with their spirituality. He doesn’t like things or situations that make him feel out of control. He can feel some inhibition related to emotions, and might have a fear of the unknown. Lacking some faith or trust in his intuition (or life itself), he can frequently feel vaguely fearful. He may often take on the role of the supporter–the strong one. This can also lead to feeling somewhat alone or unsupported. He may feel more comfortable offering tangible help and advice than emotional shows of support.

Neptune in Capricorn

His vision of an ideal world may center around respect for rules, order, responsibility, and morality. He needs to believe in the realizability of his dreams, and this means that his fantasies usually have a very realistic thread to them. There is a conservative, possibly somewhat cynical element to his nature. Because general optimism/faith does not typically carry or motivate him, energy levels may not be high when he doesn’t believe in what he’s doing, and inspiration is not easy to find in the first place. However, he can turn a dream into reality more easily than most. His vision is practical but also doable.

Pluto in Scorpio
Scorpio North Node
Ascendant Unknown
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